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Friday, January 14, 2011

Star of the Week

Belle was picked to be Star of the Week in her class last Friday. If you don't have a school aged child, this is a biiiig deal for a 6 almost 7 year old.  She was extremely excited!  The honor came with a long to-do list.

We had to make a trip to the grocery store to pick up her items for the Estimation Jar (she insisted on having 100 items in the jar) and then to Michael's for supplies for her poster.

We spent a lengthy amount of time up to our eyeballs in foam board, stickers, pictures and glue completing her poster, but it was worth it!  I think it came out pretty cute!

The week concluded with me reading one of Isabelle's favorite stories to her class, Amelia Bedelia.  Tonight she was putting her poster back up in her room and I asked her how she liked being the Star of the Week.  Her response, "Ahhhh...it was awesome!"

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