Playing catch up from Quarter End. I did jot down a few words every day so I'd remember what I was thankful for every day. It was a rough week, and some days were exhausting so it was the little things I was thankful for.
Day 200
1. As tiring as the day was, I pushed myself and got in a workout. I felt very proud after that!
2. Hugs from my babies.
3. This day was one of the most tiring! I was up making enchiladas for the following night until 11pm! After that I still had lunches to pack, bags to pack, etc. I was SO thankful when I collapsed in bed that night!
Day 201
1. Enchiladas for lunch as I was stuck in my cube! They were SO worth staying up late!
2. ILs for coming over to watch Elias so Omar didn't have to do double duty as I worked late.
3. My hubby for picking up the slack and being taxi dad as I was stuck at work.
Day 202
1. Feeling on top of things during a stressful day.
2. My sweet Isabelle and her tender heart.
3. The first Quarter End in years where I was able to get home to my family at a decent time.
Day 203
1. My Dad, for all that he is and does for our family. So thankful that his knee surgery went smoothly.
2. My 2 beautiful children for providing me with endless smiles and love when I need it the most.
3. My faith and the strength and comfort it gives me daily.
Day 204
1. Fabulous day, just me and the munchies!
2. The joy puzzles, building castles, doing crafts, and making rice krispy treats can bring.
3. The loot the Hubs brought home from Wondercon for me and the little burritos. The kids both got super cute hats, and I was lucky to land a wicked cool t-shirt.
Day 205
1. GORGEOUS day. Perfect weather!
2. Starting off the day getting physically centered with a Yoga class, and then spiritually centered at church with the fam. Great way to start the day.
3. Grilled burgers with a Jack Daniel BBQ glaze, YUMMY!
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