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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A First

One of my Mother's Day gifts from the Hubby & munchkins was a gift card to go get myself a mani/pedi.  I decided to not only use that today, but to take Belle with me for her first experience getting her nails done professionally.  We had a little talk before we went about how to behave and that this was a test to see if she was old enough to go (she's begged to go with before when I've gone).  I'm happy to say, she did great!!  She was so polite and excited about the whole thing.  While I received a normal mani/pedi, she had her toes and fingers painted.  The girl doing her nails was very sweet and asked her if she wanted flowers done, complete with jewels that she let Belle pick out.  Here's a few pictures of Belle's first trip to the nail salon.  When we left she thanked me profusely and said, "So Mommy, I did a really good job, right?  I can go for a treat with you from now on, right?  I think next time I'll be ready for that bath thing and a massage like you got!" Haha!  I told her that comes when she's older, but that yes, she did great and I was very proud of her.  She's admired her beautiful nails numerous times tonight.  A memory that is definitely worth the $18 spent on her!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Anna loves having her nails painted when she goes with me too. She keeps telling me she wants the whole pedicure thing, with the water, massage, and all. Ha! Not for the price little sweetie. Belle looks beautiful. :-)