Dear Mom,
Over the years I've been told I look like you. I take that as the highest of compliments because I think you are the most beautiful woman I know. You are not only physically beautiful, but you are beautiful where it counts the most, inside. You are thoughtful and giving. You are compassionate and understanding. You give love unconditionally and selflessly.
Growing up I don't think I appreciated all that you did for us and gave of yourself as often as I should have. Being a Mom myself now, I see all that it takes to be not only a Mom, but a good Mom. So I want to say it now, thank you. Thank you for all of the sacrifices you've made over the years. For going without so that we could have not only our needs met, but our wants. Thank you for all of the nights you stayed up late to make sure holidays were special, cookies for class parties were baked, and lunches packed. Thank you for the endless hugs, encouraging words, and being our biggest fan, defender, and supporter.
Thank you Mom for teaching me how to be Mom. Thank you for being one of my best friends. Thank you for being such a wonderful Grammy to all of your grandchildren. Thank you for constantly pointing us back to the One who could possibly love us more than you, God. I love you and consider myself truly blessed to have such a wonderful Mother.
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