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Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Cutest Thing Ever!

Just because this is the cutest thing ever I have to post it! Nothing like Mommy/baby love!

365 - Day 248

1.  Having a hubby that I enjoy spending time with and makes me laugh.

2.  My beautiful niece Leianna graduated from elementary school today.  I can't believe how fast she is growing up.  Love her!

3.  My sister and fam are flying out here this weekend!  Can't wait!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Spring Science Extravaganza

As I mentioned in today's 365, the local HS put on a Science Extravaganza.  Belle's class was luckily picked to participate.  It was the last field trip of the year, and a great one!  All of the kids loved it.  It was completely interactive.  There were baby animals and numerous science experiments for the kids to participate in.  From petting snakes to making slime, from being inside a bubble to petting a tortoise every single booth the kids went to was thrilling for them. I also have to say that all of the High School kids that put this on were delightful.  It was refreshing to such a large crowd of teenagers and every single one of them were not only polite to myself and the other adults, but extremely friendly to all of the kids and made sure they were all involved and had an enjoyable time.  Big thanks to AVHS!

365 - Day 247

1.  Local HS for putting on the Science Extravaganza.  The best field trip yet!  The kids LOVED it!

2.  Being called "the cool and pretty mom" by a few of the little boys in Belle's class.  Totally melted my heart.  So sweet!  Especially after realizing that I could have been a mom to all of the High School kids that were taking our little First Graders on their tour!  Made this old lady feel much better!

3.  American Idol finale.  I enjoyed this season, and JLo/Steven Tyler.  And now I can have more free time on the week nights now that it's over.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

365 - Day 246

1.  Unexpected work-from-home day since poor Belle was up all evening with an upset tummy.  Thankful she's feeling much better now.

2.  Mexican Lime Grilled Chicken.

3.  My bestie called me with a very cool offer for this weekend.  I'm hoping it works out!  If so, I'll be sure to post about it!

Monday, May 23, 2011

365 - Day 245

1.  It was a nice quiet day at work.  Nice to get a breather after a few hectic days.

2.  A clean house, leftovers for dinner, and not having to rush to pick anyone up after work.

3.  Getting some me time to get my hair done.  It's always nice to come home and have my 3 biggest fans tell me I look pretty.  Love them!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sneak Peek!

3 Times.  3 Outfits. 3 Hairdos.  We survived!

365 - Day 244

1.  It was Dance Picture Day for Belle today, which meant 3 different times, 3 different outfits, 3 different hairdos!  Belle and I survived it all!  The girls all looked beautiful and I can't wait to get the pictures we ordered. 

2.  Carne Asada, rice, beans, salsa, and guacamole for dinner.  YUM!

3.  Season Finale of the Celebrity Apprentice.  I thoroughly enjoyed this season!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

365 - Day 243

To say I'm beyond behind is an understatement! My reasons are good however.  I've been trying to stay offline in the evenings.  Normally I'd spend time with the kids, then get online after they were in bed. Lately I've been focusing on spending time right after the kids are in bed to domestic duties and then relaxing with my hubby.  A clean house and time with my guy are good things! Instead of trying to catch up, I'm just going to start from where I left off.

1.  Fabulous night, and a really good night's sleep.  I needed it!

2.  My workout buddy was able to come to workout with me this morning, which was fun!  Good workout, great way to kick off the weekend.

3.  SNL season finale.  Can't wait!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A First

One of my Mother's Day gifts from the Hubby & munchkins was a gift card to go get myself a mani/pedi.  I decided to not only use that today, but to take Belle with me for her first experience getting her nails done professionally.  We had a little talk before we went about how to behave and that this was a test to see if she was old enough to go (she's begged to go with before when I've gone).  I'm happy to say, she did great!!  She was so polite and excited about the whole thing.  While I received a normal mani/pedi, she had her toes and fingers painted.  The girl doing her nails was very sweet and asked her if she wanted flowers done, complete with jewels that she let Belle pick out.  Here's a few pictures of Belle's first trip to the nail salon.  When we left she thanked me profusely and said, "So Mommy, I did a really good job, right?  I can go for a treat with you from now on, right?  I think next time I'll be ready for that bath thing and a massage like you got!" Haha!  I told her that comes when she's older, but that yes, she did great and I was very proud of her.  She's admired her beautiful nails numerous times tonight.  A memory that is definitely worth the $18 spent on her!


Isabelle's class has been learning about ponds and had a field trip today to a local pond to explore.  I took the day off and volunteered to drive.  Even though the Park Ranger flaked on us (what's up with that man?!), Belle's teacher decided we should still go and take the kids on a nature walk ourselves.  The kids had a great time playing on a playground and then going on their nature walk.  Belle especially loved checking things out with her binoculars. 

365 - Day 242

1.  Field trip day with Isabelle's class.  I feel blessed that I'm able to take the day off for things like this so I don't miss out.

2.  A lovely, relaxing massage.

3.  Mani/pedi with my best girl.

365 - Day 241

1.  A good night's sleep.

2.  Beautiful roses.

3.  50 free pictures from Shutterfly.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Easter Pics...better late than never.

Being a Mommy

My 2 little burritos....

You make me grit my teeth.  I love you so much I can hardly stand it.

Being with you makes my heart swell with joy.

Sometimes I will make mistakes, but please know that I will always strive to be the best Mommy I can be for you.

I promise you to make you smile as often as I can and give you an endless supply of hugs and kisses.

You are my heart.  I will love you completely and always.  Thanks for making me a Mommy.

Happy 85th Birthday Gram!

To the best Gram in the whole world, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 
I love you more than you could ever know. 


Dear Mom,
Over the years I've been told I look like you.  I take that as the highest of compliments because I think you are the most beautiful woman I know.  You are not only physically beautiful, but you are beautiful where it counts the most, inside.  You are thoughtful and giving.  You are compassionate and understanding.  You give love unconditionally and selflessly. 

Growing up I don't think I appreciated all that you did for us and gave of yourself as often as I should have.  Being a Mom myself now, I see all that it takes to be not only a Mom, but a good Mom.  So I want to say it now, thank you.  Thank you for all of the sacrifices you've made over the years.  For going without so that we could have not only our needs met, but our wants.  Thank you for all of the nights you stayed up late to make sure holidays were special, cookies for class parties were baked, and lunches packed.  Thank you for the endless hugs, encouraging words, and being our biggest fan, defender, and supporter. 

Thank you Mom for teaching me how to be Mom. Thank you for being one of my best friends.  Thank you for being such a wonderful Grammy to all of your grandchildren.  Thank you for constantly pointing us back to the One who could possibly love us more than you, God.  I love you and consider myself truly blessed to have such a wonderful Mother. 


365 - Day 240

1.  My Mom for being a such a wonderful Mom and teaching me how to be a Mom. 

2.  My Mother-in-Law for raising such a fabulous son, and for loving me as if I were her very own.

3.  My two babies, and my hubby, for making me a Mommy.  They are my heart.

365 - Day 239

1.  Early morning kick my butt cardio dance class. 

2.  Movie date with my hubby.  Really enjoyed Thor!

3.  Dinner at Country Way with my 3 favorite people.

Friday, May 06, 2011

365 - Day 238

1.  Homemade Mother's Day gift from my girl that she made at school.  I love that she was so excited she insisted I open it up as soon as I picked her up.  I love even more the huge hug and kiss that followed as well as the "I'm sooooo glad you're my Mommy."

2.  A clean house.

3.  I made the final payment towards my student loans today.  It was such a huge relief to finally pay them off.  Feeling accomplished today!

Thursday, May 05, 2011

365 - Day 237

1.  Happy Cinco de Mayo!  Tacos for dinner and the evening spent with my favorite 3 favorite Mexicans! ;) Love them!

2.  Rice Krispy Treats.

3.  Improvement!  Took my measurements today and they are different than they were a month ago.  Hooray!

365 - Day 236

1.  My abs are so sore today, which means yesterday's workout did it's job.

2.  Chicken Pot Pie for dinner.

3.  Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream on a hot night with my best girl.

365 - Day 235

1.  The extra work we're doing with Elias on his speech is really paying off.  Proud of my little guy!

2.  Killer workout.  I love Tuesdays! 

3.  Gorgeous night.

Monday, May 02, 2011

365 - Day 234

1.  Osama Bin Laden is dead. 

2.  Our troops and their families for their endless sacrifices.

3.  I'm getting more flexible.  Thanks Yoga & Pilates!

365 - Day 231-233

It seems like the weekends come and between being busy and spending any free time we have relaxing with my family I keep getting behind on getting to posting my 365's.  Apologies!

Day 231
1.  I took the day off of work, and it was nice to have a few hours to myself and to get some things done around the house before I had to go pick up Belle for her dance competition.
2.  Isabelle's dance team had their last competition tonight and did great!  This was their toughest by far as they were going up against older kids.  They came out with a Gold!  So proud of all of them.
3.  Dinner out with the dance crew and their parents.  I'm so glad Belle has such a great group of little friends and that I like their parents!

Day 232
1.  Today was our first experience of a dance convention.  Belle loved taking the classes, and learned a lot in a short period of time.
2.  Lunch and drinks with friends while we waited for our tiny dancers.
3.  A stop at the park with my best girl.

Day 233
1.  Great workout.
2.  Beautiful, gorgeous weather.
3.  BBQ for dinner.