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Monday, June 15, 2009

Dance it out

Friday night Belle was a little too excited about it being my birthday. She fell asleep a little before 10pm, and then woke up at midnight thinking she had slept all night. I quickly informed her it was still indeed bedtime, but it didn't seem to matter. She was up until 3am sneaking around playing in her room and then in Elias' room. I was not a happy camper. Especially since we were to meet the ILs for breakfast at 9am before Belle's dance class. One thing Belle is not is a morning person. When she got up on Saturday she let it be known that she was NOT ready to get up and was in no mood for breakfast. I reminded her that she decided not to obey and go to sleep, and she better shake those crabbies off real quick. I put some music on and let her dance it out on our bed.

(sorry for the rotating flub...still trying to figure this out!)

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