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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Say cheese baby!

Last weekend we had a little photo-op at Casa de Burritos. My sweet littlest burrito has quickly become Daddy's little clone. Complete with matching superhero tshirts. We decided to have a little fashion show/photo-op and this is what ensued...

Captian America boys...

Little Burrito wasn't too thrilled that his Papa was putting away his little Captain America shield, so he stole his.
Someone tried to make a run for it in the middle of a wardrobe change..
Time for a little Run DMC...

Nothing is quite as funny as having your Papa eat your hands...

Well, maybe when Mommy's hair tickles your face...

He might be his Daddy's clone, but he's a total Mommy's boy... *swoon*
It was only fair that the good looks of the operation got in a few pictures...she is the star you know!
No one, but no one, know's how to ham it up like our Belle.

I'll claim her as my little clone....looking forward to the many shopping/mani-pedi days ahead...
Strike a pose...

Uh-oh...someone noticed he was no longer the center of attention...

Alright little man, you are adorable and the king of the castle....

Someone heard his reign was over...

Gotta have one of Papa and his best girl...

The End. Thanks for visiting a day at Casa de Burritos.

1 comment:

brooke said...

perfect! I love them all and I'm jealous of your awesome camera.