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Saturday, December 31, 2011


As 2011 comes to a close I think about all that it held.  There was good and bad but at the end of the day, we were blessed.  Both Belle and I had frightening health scares, but God was with us and all ended up okay.  We faced some trying times workwise, but ended up blessed there as well.  Hubby's hard work paid off, and he received a well deserved promotion.  The girl is thriving in all that she does, and makes us so proud every day with how caring and thoughtful she is.  The boy started speech and preschool, and is knocking his therapist's socks off with how smart he is and quickly he's picking things up.  Every review makes us burst with pride.  He keeps us laughing hysterically, and he's the sweetest little lover ever.  There are wonderful things on the horizon for me and mine, and we gladly embrace 2012 and are thankful for all that 2011 brought us and taught us. 

So whether you're out on the town, with a bunch of squares, or home with your most favorite people ever, happy new year!  I hope this year was kind and next year brings you all you deserve.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Today I am thankful...

-I have a wonderful hubby whom I adore.
-My kids are pretty freaking awesome.  They make me laugh hysterically.
-I have wonderful, supportive friends.


This year Belle performed 2 parts in 3 shows of The Nutcracker.  She was a mouse and a snowball.  This was right in the middle of her hives fiasco and we weren't sure if she was going to be able to perform.  God was good though and gave her a break from the hives most of that day and she was able to dance her little heart out.  Most of the family came out to support her, and it was an extra added bonus that Auntie Amy was in town to see her too.

Sisters, miles away, but never far in my heart.

My awesome brother-in-law gave my sister an early Christmas present, a trip out here!  I was lucky enough to spend a whole day with her.  We had such a great day going to the movies, lunch, shopping, dinner and going to check out Christmas lights.  Here's a few pics of our visit to a local Christmas light extravaganza, Deacon Dave's:

Love my Sissy, and miss her already!

The stomach flu, pink eye, hives, pneumonia, bronchitis oh my!

This last month has been trying on my family healthwise.  The day after Thanksgiving the stomach flu paid us a visit.  One by one it hit us.  About a week or so later I picked up Elias from Preschool and noticed his eye had some gunk in the corner of it.  Thankfully my Mommy's intuition kicked in and I called his doctor's office just by the off chance someone was still there (it was 5:30).  Whaddaya know, they were open late that night.  An hour later he was diagnosed with the beginnings of pink eye and we had drops in hand.  I cleaned like a mad woman the next day, and 24 hours later he wasn't contagious.  Apparently it's very contagious if you don't be careful by treating it as directed or clean things off properly during those first 24 hours.  I guess we're really lucky that this is the first time we've ever had any kind of exposure to it.  He essentially had one morning of a crusty eye, and that was it.  Drops for about a week, but none of the rest of us caught it.  Thank God!  The thought alone makes my eyes itch! The week after that, I came down with a bad cold which turned into walking pneumonia and bronchitis.  Consider this a warning, try not to ever develop bronchitis as an adult.  The likelyhood of developing asthma is high and you don't want that, trust me!  Every goshdarn cold turns into an upper respiratory problem.  After a week of being on antibiotics and some strong steriods I can finally breathe. Same time Belle came down with a mysterious case of the hives.  We didn't know if she developed an allergic reaction to something or if it was just a virus.  It was extremely scary with her swelling up and not having a clue what was causing it. They would go away and then reappear for about 5 days.  Apparently 80something% of hives in kids are a virus.  Another thank-God moment, turned out to be a virus.  Needless to say, I think we took our fair share of health issues in the last month.  Thankfully everyone is currently healthy and I'm hopeful for a new year filled with good health for me and mine!  Sicky bugs, please pass us over this year!

Let the countdown begin!!

Good things are coming in 2012, and I can hardly wait!!  Roll on January!!!